Let's Normalize the Use of Cranberries!
Cranberries really do not get the praise they deserve! Most people do not even discuss cranberries until fall or winter. Cranberries are commonly introduced annually during Thanksgiving until Christmas. Whether it is in sauces, holiday punch, or as garnish; they just don’t seem to get as much love as they should! Let’s get into the amazing benefits they provide in the skincare and health world.
They’re packed with tons of vitamins including but not limited to: A, B, C, E, and K. Cranberries also provides you with iron, zinc, potassium, sodium, and magnesium to name a few other beneficial nutrients for your body internal and external. Although we hate discussing it, we know that cranberries are vital to recovery from urinary tract infections. Drinking a couple of unsweetened glasses weekly will help subside symptoms. Not to mention its reputation for warding off scurvy, averting cancer, and easing menstruation, including bloating and stubborn cramps.
By simply using a glass of cranberry use during your wash routine after the final rinse can help seal hair follicles and strengthen one’s hair fibers causing dull and lifeless hair to spring back to like with an amazing sheen. Cranberries are natural antiseptics so they would provide your scalp of dandruff and other stubborn scalp infections. It is highly suggested that it is used on dark haired individuals, doing so on lighter hair may cause it’s red pigments to immediately change the color of brighter hair individuals.
But what about skin you ask? Due to its acidic nature, this fruit helps with evening tone and blemishes, acne and pimple removal, anti-aging, and combatting free radicals. Cranberries would honestly be the perfect additives to the fountain of youth. It is a miracle how well it fights against age spots, wrinkles, and crow’s feet to help keep your youthful look. If have large pores and/or oily skin and you’re looking for the perfect ingredient, look no further. They provide assistance in controlling that oily skin or clogged pores and keep a toned and vibrant appearance. Shop our Cranberry Collection now!